WITNESSES, the cross-genre project of multi-instrumentalist Greg Schwan, is streaming the entirety of his new release The Holy Water EP exclusively at Metalsucks. The EP will be out this Friday July 15th, 2022.
Greg comments: “The Holy Water EP is the culmination and meeting-point of threads from all the past Witnesses releases—atmosphere, dirge, and vocal harmony. Lyrically, it’s about characters who captured my imagination years ago. I try to do them justice here in these songs.”
Pre-order: https://witnesses-nyc.bandcamp.com/album/the-holy-water-ep
WITNESSES is the cross-genre project of multi-instrumentalist Greg Schwan. Following the cinematic release IV, The Holy Water EP sees long-time collaborator Gabbi Coenen venture into the metal side of the project. Entranced into the music by emotive vocals, heavily distorted guitars and a blood chilling atmosphere, WITNESSES’s iconic compositional style brings the Gothic narrative to life. “Borgo Pass” delivers intensity with a dramatic feel, while “Cloistered in Purfleet” carries a quality that is soft and sweet, alongside it’s dark underbelly. Concluding with a fleeting acoustic guitar driven piece, “The Ballad of Lucy and Mina” is a beautiful performance of intricate melodies. It’s a delicate and minimalist track, and yet encompasses such fierce energy.
Become immersed in the haunting expanse of soundscapes. With a creeping pace the release conveys the instrumental layers and lyrics further into focus, entwining the barbaric and the sublime.
Greg Schwan – Guitar, bass, keys, drum programming, lyrics, arrangement, mixing, mastering, layout
Gabbi Coenen – Vocals
Matt Kozar – Ebow
Woodland Ascension – Photography