Greg Green’s BURNT SHERPA have revealed a video for the track “Difficult Gift”. The song is a tribute to Mark Lanegan (SCREAMING TREES) and is taken from the upcoming album Last Or Later.
Greg comments:
“I rarely get too worked up when celebrities pass, but when Lanegan died so unexpectedly, especially after having just overcome some serious health issues, it caught me off guard. I keep a list of phrases and lyrical ideas on my phone; on that list, I had the phrase “difficult gift.” It occurred to me that the songs or art an artist leaves behind can be a difficult gift for their loved ones, which became that song’s theme. But as it went on, I also ended up weaving my own departure from my band into the story. So, it ended up being inspired by Lanegan’s passing, but it’s more of an amalgam of events that were all hard on my soul, making their way into the lyrics.”
Last or Later consists of six songs designed to take the listener on a journey from the joy of a ride on the beach to the sadness of hearing the works of artists after they’ve passed on from this world. Heavily influenced by 90s grunge, SOUNDGARDEN and Siamese Dream era SMASHING PUMPKINS, BURNT SHERPA also draws from influences such as JEFF BUCKLEY as well as classic rock bands like LED ZEPPELIN and PINK FLOYD. A touch of neo-soul influence can also be found amongst the tracklist.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LzC5UP2KXo
Based in Houston, Texas, BURNT SHERPA is the project of Greg Green, a founding member and former bass player of the stoner rock outfit MR. PLOW. After the band released their album, Maintain Radio Silence on Ripple Music, in 2018, Greg found that he couldn’t keep up with the demands of the band and reluctantly bowed out. BURNT SHERPA began as a way for Greg to finish some demo ideas from the PLOW years but soon developed into a full-blown project. He enlisted the help of producer Dean Dichoso (CANDLEBOX), and the EP Last or Later was born.
Greg Green – music, lyrics, guitar, bass, drum programming, and vocals.

Track Listing:
1. Memories Collide
2. Difficult Gift
3. It’s Not The Heat
4. Florida Room
5. 19 Seconds
6. Sugar Rush