FIELDS OF REGRET is the brainchild of a Belgian based musician, Filip Van Lysebeth, who brings a lo-fi crossover between horror, punk and gothic metal. The new single “Pinky Lace And Pixie Dust,” due out on September 12th, is an eerie manifestation accompanied by groove riffs, fast-paced instrumentation and disturbing vocals.
Van Lysebeth is no stranger to the industry having previously worked as producer at Basick Records with the likes of Marco Minneman (KREATOR), Terry Bozzio (FRANK ZAPPA), Adam Dice (PUFF DADDY), Garry Hagger, Byentl, and Bruno Meeus (WIZARDS OF OZ). FIELDS OF REGRET represents horror metal in all its glory. Offering a mean dark voice akin to Vincent Price, heavy down-tuned guitars, basslines that are a nightmare for your furniture and drums that kick through walls! FIELDS OF REGRET’s lyrics are mostly inspired by autobiographic themes including bipolar disorder, Lithium, depression, grieve, loyalty, MeToo movement. Musically drawing influences from an array of metal artists including ALICE COOPER, BLACK SABBATH, KORN and TYPE O NEGATIVE. “Pinky Lace And Pixie Dust” brings a curious contrast of an upbeat rhythm pattern performed on distorted guitars, with striking leads and pounding percussion. Distinctive vocals emphasise the horror themes that bleed through FIELDS OF REGRET’s music.
“Pinky Lace And Pixie Dust” dives straight into the weird and wonderful nightmare that is FIELDS OF REGRET. A grim mirroring of society through heavy instrumentation with a ghoulish twist, the new single lands of ahead of the chilling self-titled EP.
Filip Van Lysebeth