“Homicide” is the debut single from Toronto based progressive metal outfit THE PULSE-ESCAPE METHOD. Fusing heavy instrumentation with intense electronics, the outfit dive straight into the experimental.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/YFtnTOPtx9U

The ensemble began recording back in the fall of 2019 at Iguana Studios (ALEXISONFIRE, BILLY TALENT, SUM41) and soon began embarking on live shows in Canada. Drawing inspiration from the likes of ALEXISONFIRE, TOOL, THE CONTORTIONIST, DEFTONES and POISON THE WELL, THE PULSE-ESCAPE METHOD channel dark tones, electronics and heavy instrumentation with their own twist. The progressive metallers have thrown their all into “Homicide”. It’s a hard-hitting debut that combines ethereal tones with extreme distorted textures. The energy refuses to let up powering through the track, and their use of harsh distortion and overdrive across the instruments results in a solid wall of sound.

Blair – Guitar
Brian “Enzo” – Guitar
Josh – Vocals
Luke – Drums
Guest Musician:
Duncan Stan (EARTHS YELLOW SUN) – Bass
