Influenced by classic Florida death metal, but seasoned with BOLT THROWER and PANTERA’s Texas groove, THROAT LOCUST seeks to create extreme music with a broad appeal. The new EP Dragged Through Glass will be unleashed on January 6th, 2023.
Today, the band kicks it old-school, with their new single “Corruption & Greed”. Check it out HERE.
The band comments: “‘Corruption & Greed’ is for OSDM fans that love the fast and brutal riffs of Bloodbath, Deicide and Florida heavyweights with the groove and breakdown of hardcore, crossover and early Thrash Metal. Slayer solos and whammy bar antics top this off with mayhem and chaos made for circle pits and raised fists.”
Formed at the dawn of 2022 the outfit have focused on refining their brutal sound and preparing to start cracking skulls in a basements of the touring circuit. Their first recordings reek of danger while also pushing the boundaries of underground metal madness. Ferocious harsh vocals and ruthless guitars explode with thunderous percussion into a wall of sound. From the savage assault of “Death Lurker” to the vicious onslaught of “Corruption and Greed”, and the bloodthirsty concluding track “Axe Grinder”, THROAT LOCUST don’t hold anything back. The band deliver high-energy, high-impact metal filled with intricate riffs and changing dynamics.
THROAT LOCUST produce merciless death metal that emerges straight out of the impending doom. The sheer monstrous power of their sound is immense. Dragged Through Glass showcases an epic insight into the quintet’s heavy realms. THROAT LOCUST is sure to appeal to lovers of the guttural.
Gil – Vocals
Eric- Guitar
Alex- Guitar
Adrian – Bass
Rob – Drums
Track Listing:
1. Death Lurker
2. Corruption and Greed
3. Axe Grinder