Edward Escamilla, lead guitarist of Chicago based thrash metal band REIGN has joined WAR CURSE, replacing co-founder and lead guitarist Joshua Murphy. The lineup change comes on the tail of the band’s Metal Blade Records / Blacklight Media debut album, Confession, which was released October 20th, 2023.
Guitarist Justin Roth comments: “It’s on the best of terms that we thank Joshua Murphy for ten years of commitment and for his invaluable contributions to WAR CURSE. Murphy is truly like a brother to me. We’ve played in bands together for the last 20 years, spent holidays with each others’ families, and driven each other up a wall on occasion, as brothers do. I speak for all of us when I say that we’ll miss his shenanigans. But as they say, the show must go on.”
“We had conversations with a few guitarists, but ultimately Ed was our first choice. We were stoked when he accepted our offer to join. The dude absolutely rips, and more importantly, we like him as a person. Talent matters, but so does liking the people you’re going to be stuck in a van with. We’re optimistic about the band’s future and embracing the change.”
Roth continued: “We’ve wasted no time getting new music ready to record. I’ve been demo recording new material nonstop since the week after Confession was handed in. I truly believe that I’m writing the best material of my career right now. We tried some new things on Confession. I really like some of it. Some of it will never be revisited. We’re constantly evolving. Some of the new stuff is heavier than hell. Heavier than I ever saw us going with WAR CURSE. It’s a lot of fun. But we’re always working. We’re a band that’s laser-focused on the future.”
Listen to WAR CURSE’s most recent album Confession on Spotify:
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