4 Factors That Modern Labels Evaluate

4 Factors That Modern Labels Evaluate

In 2025, many artists still want to attract the attention of prominent record labels. Record labels can be valuable partners, and can provide opportunities, connections, and assets that would be out of reach without their assistance. However, the majority of labels...
Fair Use: Fact vs. Fiction

Fair Use: Fact vs. Fiction

Disclaimer: for educational purposes only; not legal advice. Consult with a lawyer for personalized advice unique to your situation. Misconceptions about fair use abound on the internet. Though the 1976 Copyright Act provides some guidance on when your use of a work...
3 Essential Contracts To Make In 2025

3 Essential Contracts To Make In 2025

Going into 2025, it’s important to start thinking about the proactive steps you can take to protect your work. Here are 3 contracts that can help you lay the foundation for a productive, successful year:  Disclaimer: for general educational purposes only. Not...