Back in January, I shared a blog post discussing how to effectively make use of press coverage which included a number of reasons why you should share quotes from journalists as promotional materials. You can read that post here!

Delving further into the importance of pulling quotes, this article will look at how to do this effectively. Depending on the intended use for these quotes will influence what you select specifically from a review. Finding a quote from your press coverage that is short and snappy to fit on a tour poster for example, will most likely be different from finding longer and more detailed quotes to include on the ‘press coverage’ section of your website (if you haven’t got a webpage for press coverage, it is worth creating one).

Disclaimer: ultimately, the number and type of quotes you are able to find to suit your purpose will vary for several reasons including, a) amount of press coverage you have b) the type of coverage c) the quality of writing d) your intended use. This guide offers general tips and examples of how to make use of what you have.

Why Do I Need To Quote From My Band’s Press Coverage?

As briefly explored in the previous post, including quotations on your promotional materials, social media and website adds further layers of credibility to your band and brand that may assist in obtaining further opportunities. The association of your band’s name with external, and especially with well-respected, sources adds supporting evidence, if you will, to the quality of your music and/ or performances.

How Do I Select A Suitable Quote?

When selecting quotes from media coverage, first of all, consider if you need something that specifically relates to your latest release/album/video/tour, or if you want something that more generally describes your band’s sound. The former will be useful for promoting whatever it is your are currently pushing whereas a more ‘generic’ quote will have broader function.

Bearing the above in mind, go through your press coverage and look for any phrases that stand out as being attention grabbing, that align with what your brand stands for, or comments of praise.

If a sentence is too long for your intended use you can either select the keywords (that are placed together), or you can join to separate phrases including this: […] in-between the two sections. For example:

“A brilliant band pushing boundaries across their sound. The quartet truly are reinventing themselves; it’s bombastic, thrilling and thunderingly heavy from beginning to end.”

Can be used adjusted to the following:

“A brilliant band pushing boundaries across their sound […] it’s bombastic, thrilling and thunderingly heavy from beginning to end.”

If a short snappy quote is needed, you can select a smaller coherent section:

bombastic, thrilling and thunderingly heavy

When sharing your quotes, make sure to clearly state the publication and the journalist’s name if you know it/ it is public knowledge.

Can I Quote Journalists From Video Coverage?

This is something you definitely can and should do. We are seeing more and more video coverage for music news across social media platforms and that can also be used to promote your music. Make sure to double check your transcription when typing up the quote to make sure you have quoted the journalist correctly.

How Do I Make Use Of Press Coverage For My Band That Is Primarily News Articles?

Quoting from news articles if they are a copy of the press release is not recommended as it isn’t expressing new information or opinion. Some news outlets will tweak/ add in some text that may be of use. Alternatively, you can share the fact that your band has been featured. For example:

‘My Metal Band as featured in X, X and X Magazine’


‘The new video from My Metal Band as seen in X, X and X Magazine’