Strategies for Promoting a New Project
So, you've started a new project, and you're not sure how to begin? In this short guide, we will go over some best practices to help make your launch a success! Band Photos and Logo If you don't have any music ready and just want to announce the project, we typically...
Managing a Band’s Social Media Presence: Best Practices and Pitfalls
Effective social media management is crucial for building a band's brand and image. When used effectively, it can enhance a band's reputation, but misuse can have the opposite effect. The following guidelines outline common mistakes to avoid and strategies to adopt...
SMART Goals And How To Set Them
SMART GOALS And Using Them To Help Boost Your Marketing Efforts A lot of bands have marketing goals, and the sad part is that most bands don't achieve them. In this post, we are going to go over some of the reasons why many bands don't. What Are SMART Goals In...
DIY Tour Essentials: Planning Your First Small Tour
So you’re ready to take your music on the road! Planning your first small tour is exciting, but without a booking agent to organize the logistics, it can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry—many successful musicians started with DIY tours, and with a bit of planning,...
Getting The Most Out Of Your Single Release
So, you've released a single, and now it's out in the world—what's next? Assuming you followed the steps in our checklist from a few weeks ago (See here: Checklist for Preparing to Release a Single as an Independent Artist), there are still plenty of steps you can...
Content Repurposing for Musicians: Boost Your Reach and Visibility
As a musician, you’re already putting in the hard work to create incredible content, whether it’s videos, live performances, or social media posts. But what if you could take that one piece of content and turn it into multiple forms to reach a wider audience? Content...
Marketing: The First Step
What is Marketing? According to the Oxford Dictionary, marketing is defined as "the business activity that involves finding out what customers want, using that information to design products and services, and selling them effectively." This is a strong definition....
3 Copyright Law Issues To Consider Before Your Next Collaboration
If the terms of your collaboration with another artist are not comprehensively laid out, it could sink your collaboration (and your friendship) in the long run. As a law clerk who works for a music-focused law firm (Randy Ojeda Law), I have assisted with multiple...
Checklist for Preparing to Release a Single as an Independent Artist
One question we frequently get asked is, "How do I adequately prepare to release my single?" In this blog post, we hope to help answer that question. PRE-RELEASE ArtObviously, you need to make sure you have your music first, but assuming you have that, the next step...
Emerging Social Media Platforms and Why You Should Be on Them
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the go-to channels for most metal bands’ social media marketing. However, several emerging or lesser-known platforms also deserve your attention. But why should you care about these new platforms? Because early adopters tend to...