Strategies for Promoting a New Project

Strategies for Promoting a New Project

So, you've started a new project, and you're not sure how to begin? In this short guide, we will go over some best practices to help make your launch a success! Band Photos and Logo If you don't have any music ready and just want to announce the project, we typically...

SMART Goals  And How To Set Them

SMART Goals And How To Set Them

SMART GOALS And Using Them To Help Boost Your Marketing Efforts A lot of bands have marketing goals, and the sad part is that most bands don't achieve them. In this post, we are going to go over some of the reasons why many bands don't. What Are SMART Goals In...

Getting The Most Out Of Your Single Release

Getting The Most Out Of Your Single Release

So, you've released a single, and now it's out in the world—what's next? Assuming you followed the steps in our checklist from a few weeks ago (See here: Checklist for Preparing to Release a Single as an Independent Artist), there are still plenty of steps you can...

Marketing: The First Step

Marketing: The First Step

What is Marketing? According to the Oxford Dictionary, marketing is defined as "the business activity that involves finding out what customers want, using that information to design products and services, and selling them effectively." This is a strong definition....